Dulles acoustic tiles designed for Ecovative launched at Design Pavilion at Astor Place during NYCxDesign. The tile's form blends geometric and organic surfaces that come from the idea of a taut screen being pressed with a paddle. Channeling architectural elements, grooves reminiscent of textured concrete were added to the flat surface to give additional texture and sound dampening properties.

Ecovative Interiors: http://interiors.ecovativedesign.com/
Design Pavilion, sponsored by 125 Greenwich Street, in its inaugural year, presents a curated assemblage of creative structures and displays, serving as the public hub during NYCxDESIGN. Through lively design activities, it increases awareness of the power of design and the many design events occurring around town during the official design weeks.
Design Pavilion: http://www.design-pavilion.com/design-pavilion.html#pavilions